Sports Ireland Campus


Located only 15 minutes from Pillo Hotel & Leisure Club is the Sport Ireland Campus which is the national home of the major sporting bodies in Ireland.


State of the art pitches, Olympic standard swimming pool and elite indoor facilities make the Sport Ireland Campus the go to place in hosting

international teams and events.


Facilities are available to hire for both international, domestic and individual teams and squads.



National Aquatic Centre

·         10 lane 50m x 25m international standard swimming pool

·         Seating for 2,500 spectators

National Indoor Arena

Indoor Covered Pitches

·         Full size indoor football pitch

National Gymnastic Training Centre

National Horse Sports Arena

Multi-Sport Pitches

·         Football

·         Gaelic Games

·         Rugby

·         Hockey

Cross Country Track

National Modern Pentathlon Centre

National Diving Centre

Cyclocross Zone

GAA National Games Development Centre

IRFU High Performance Centre

FAI National Training Centre


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